Friday, May 21, 2010

New projects (dress #1 The horrid sheet)

I have four dresses in the works right now. Yes, lol, I was a lazy blogger and haven't taken any pictures or even mentioned them 'til now!

First is a reprint "Retro Butterick" 5214. I bought a bunch of patterns during one of Joann's .99 cent Butterick sales recently. While this wasn't one of the patterns I had originally intended to buy, it just wouldn't leave my basket! The lovely design of the neckline is what attracted me to this particular pattern, I like how it looks as though the straps just up and grew out of a sweetheart strapless dress. I also admired that the back of the straps don't tie in a bow like most halter style dresses, but rather attach with buttons! I loveee adding as many buttons as I can (they make everything look cuter!). 
I went to Ventura with my best-est bud and had bought this sheet at a thrift store thinking that it was pretty. It is a white sheet with pale green thin stripes and beige rose-gardenia looking flowers. I went to all the work of cutting it out, sewing it all together, trying it on and fitting it. Only then did I realize that its pretty as a sheet. NOT a dress. Lol!

 This is the horrid sheet dress... I guess I'm still learning what prints look good on me... and as actual clothing lol. It was a good test run though. Now I know that the v-neck needs to be deeper and just under the armpits needs two inches taken in. The changes I made include what I just mentioned above and using 2 half inch pearlized white buttons on the straps instead of 1 one inch button.  I didn't have a white zipper to use as the side zipper opening, so I used the rest of the white buttons and had them go down the back of the dress. I think it make it look more vintage-y and romantic. Luckily I can pull the dress over my head than have to unbutton and re-button the back every time I put it on.
All those crazy buttons!

 Over all, I think I'm going to take the buttons off and make this dress again but with a better fabric choice.


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