Friday, July 22, 2011

"Challenge Calendar: Bronzed Goddess" Wet n Wild Gilded Age

Nymphette from "I am Nymphette" is having a challenge calendar. Basically every day this month is assigned a theme to inspire you to do something interesting with your makeup. A couple of days ago the theme was bronzed goddess so I decided to try out my new "Gilded Age and Everything Under the Sun" palettes. Now for a little background info on this elusive "Go for the Gold" set. I searched high and low for this set and couldn't find it anywhere! Luck for me I found the eyeshadow and bronzer on eBay for $12. That's a steal, I'm not sure how I got this so cheap, all the other listings for the eyeshadow by itself were around $25... Unfortunately the browbone shade was broken when I got it in the mail :( So I fixed it!

I tapped all the little pieces onto a smooth surface, I used a piece of glass from an empty picture frame. You can use foil or plastic wrap or anything that alows you to smush and stir the powder around.

I used a mini spatula to break up the chunks into powder, then slowly drop by drop add rubbing alcohol until it is paste like and mushy.

Press back into the pan! You're done! Let it dry over night so the alcohol can evaporate. If you want a pattern you can press stamps or anything really into the eyeshadow while it wet. That's how the wrote "eyelid" and such on the eyeshadow.

I forgot to do swatches, but the middle of my lid is the eyelid shade (gold) outer V is the crease shade (bronze) and browbone is obviously on my browbone (shimmery dusty pinkish color). You can kinda see the individual colors...

For this look I followed the instructions on the palette.

It's probably a bit too dark and smokey for a daytime look for most people, but I love it! I've never used bronzer before but this is to die for, so beyond gorgeous! It totally makes the look.

The completed the look with bronzer and concealer on my lips. It's a perfect set for summer.

Rimmel Vinyl Bronze in Golden Goddess. Smells and tastes like orange cough syrup... Really nasty, but fades in 5 to 10 minutes. I layered this on top of the concealer

Shimmery gold and light bronze lipgloss.


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