Sunday, March 25, 2012

Simple Sunday: Darling Girl Jeweled Taupe

Today I was thinking about how on days when I don't have time to do complex looks, or it's not appropriate to wear bright colors, I tend to not wear any makeup at all. There's nothing wrong with not wearing makeup (I don't wear it 75% of the time) but I'd still like to wear something for that little *oomph* makeup gives to your outfit and confidence. Sundays are going to be reserved for simple, easy, natural(ish) looks.

I recently met Marz' cousin when he came to visit while touring the California coast with his band. I try not to scare off future family members with crazy makeup the first time we meet, so I went with a shimmery, subdued look focused around my new love; Revlon Lip Butter in Gumdrop. 

I Used:
Darling Girl Glitter Glue
 WnW matte nude on browbone
DGC Jeweled Taupe all over lid
WnW matte white in inner corner
Evil Shades Dreamspeaker on lower lashline
Kat Von D Tattoo Liner in Trooper
Maybelline mascara
Jardana Purple eyeliner to fill in brows
 Revlon Lip Butter in Gumdrop

I'm hoping to do a Simple Sunday look every week. I'm curious what your guys' interpretation on "simple" is? A classic look? Looking like you're not wearing makeup? Only using a few colors?



  1. I absolutely love Jeweled Taupe!! it is just great even on its own and lately I'm using it for those times i don't have enough time for make up but still want to look pretty (or at least ok, lol!) and pair it with a black or even bright liner....i guess i'll finish my sample very soon and will go straight for a petit!

  2. Susan makes the most beautiful eyeshadows for quick one color looks. I heard so many great things about Jeweled Taupe that I bought a petit without trying a sample first! (very unlike me to do!)

  3. This looks so beatiful. I really like your earrings too!

  4. Thank you! :)
    Let see... I think I got the earrings for like $3.80 at Forever21 lol!


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