Friday, July 6, 2012

Metallic Splatter Mani

For this mani I used 1 coat of basecoat, 2 coats of NYC Sidewalkers and splattered OPI Take The Stage, OPI Rising Star and China Glaze Golden Meringue.

Soooo... I think in theory this is a lovely mani. In real life? Not so much. While NYC Sidewalkers is an awesome shiny polish I think it has too much yellow in it to go with the coppery gold colors. Anyways, I wasn't impressed with it, but I think with some tweaking it could be awesome.



  1. LOL, I do that all the time. "Hey this is a good idea!" and then... um.... nope. :D
    Oh well, you never know till you try it right?
    PS I nominated you for a blog award

  2. OK, I left a comment earlier but blogger ate it. :(
    I nominated you for a blog award.

  3. Haha yah it was kinda disappointing, but ya live and ya learn! And thank you for the blog award!


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